
Hazard Identification for Federal Workplace Inspections

Product Details



  • Language: English
  • Duration: 50 minutes

*Available in French

Hazards exist in every workplace. It is every employee’s right to be informed of any known or foreseeable health or safety hazard in the area where the employee works, and it is the employer’s responsibility to provide such information. Part 2 of the Canada Labour Code is the health and safety legislation governing federal workplaces which identifies duties regarding hazards for various workplace parties. These parties include the employer, the employee and the Workplace Committee.

Participants who complete this course should fully understand:

  • What is meant by a “hazard”
  • How to identify a hazard
  • Methods of controlling hazards
  • How to conduct a workplace inspection and report the results.

Complete Hazard Identification for Federal Workplace Inspections online training to become familiar with workplace hazards and learn of the potential dangers. Taking these steps will help employees remain safe and reduce the risk of workplace injury and illness.